This morning I looked forward to a new egg adventure. I am an egg connoisseur; whether it be my childhood on my grandparents poultry farm (though honestly, I was far too young to remember much) or more recently the five year period I spent raising hens, where ever we go I seek out fresh farm raised local eggs. In the 14 weeks we have traveled full time in our RV we have not yet purchased eggs at the supermarket. Our quest for fresh, preferably free range eggs, often means we have to endure mean barking farm dogs, unwashed eggs covered with chicken poop as well as a variety other issues like the signs out here. It's not uncommon to see a sign on the main road for eggs, a tag sale or whatever, but once you make the turn you might still have another ten miles or more to go, up some rough, dusty cow path. None of these things matter as long as the eggs have the qualities we are looking for. We want eggs that stand up tall when broken into a skillet, don't spread out wide and most importantly have a bright yellow yolk.
This morning I purchased eggs at the local farmers' market here in St. David, AZ. Today I was his last customer at 10:15 Am and bought his last dozen of 9 eggs (it is winter, and hens don't lay well this time of year). You have to understand, when you buy eggs this way you can't be particular about the size, color or quantity. When I raised chickens, my hens never laid a perfect dozen all the same size and color, it just doesn't work that way in the real world. So, I got nine fresh eggs, in various sizes, white, brown and green, plus a turkey egg. Holy cannoli, what do I do with a turkey egg? I've had duck eggs but never a turkey egg, do I poach, scramble or fry this big sucker? Obviously if am to experience the true flavor and texture of this unique egg I can't break the yolk and stir it up, so I think poaching makes the most sense.

I really enjoyed this post, it took me back about 40 years to “home” when we always had Duck and Goose Eggs. We often made cookies with our Goose Eggs.