It has been about 3 weeks since my sister, Connie, moved into her new digs; an assisted living home in Sierra Vista, AZ. We are pleased to say after a rough beginning she has told us many times she is very happy with this major change in her life. In her own words "I can't believe I am living in such a nice place for what little income I have". Thanks to AHCCCS (Arizona Health Care Containment System) and her Social Security she is able to afford a shared room in a beautiful southwestern home.
Today, we also welcome new followers, Audra and Joey. Thank you for joining us and we appreciate your support.

Her new home is called Casa de Las Montanas. It's a modern new building that is home to 8 residents. The staff members are cheerful and compassionate.

The common area, or living room, is tastefully decorated with plenty of room to watch television or meet with visitors.

In the rear the residents can enjoy a covered patio that is totally shaded for the hot summer weather here in southern Arizona. With our help Connie has set up two bird feeders and a bird bath so she can still enjoy one of her favorite pastimes.

She's even happy with the food! It's a big relief that she no longer has to struggle with food preparation.
This is the first time I've tried to add a video. It took over 10 minutes to upload with a Verizon Air Card so I will have to keep videos short. On the way to see Connie we dodged many a tumbleweed and a lot of dust. Just before we got there we had to wait for this dust to stop until we could move on.
Glad your sister is all moved in and liking it. It's a lovely place!
How nice that Connie can stay in the area she is familiar with. It sure looks like a nice place.