We went to our first Rodeo today. If you've never been to a Rodeo, this is something you can't miss while here in the west.

Pre-Rodeo activities included father and son (daughters too) roping. Some kids were as young as seven years old..

The Rodeo opened with some very attractive riders atop some beautiful horses.

Typical Tucson weather. A perfect sunny day with a big blue sky and purple mountains.

You have to last 8 seconds on a buckin' bronco for your ride to be scored. This cowboy didn't quite make it. Each cowboy's name, home state and brief profile are announced before his ride. Many of these short introductions included a description of the most recent injury or broken bone the rider is recovering from as well.

I think bull riding was the most difficult competition. Less than 20% of the riders managed to hold on for the required 8 seconds to receive a score. Once they were thrown to the ground they ran the risk of being kicked, trampled or head butted with some mighty big horns. The bulls seemed to strut around afterwards, proud that they had shaken this nuisance off their back side.

I can't even imagine jumping from a running horse, let alone then wrestling a steer to the ground too. I guess this is why you start when you're seven years old.

In team roping one cowboy lassos the head and the other the rear feet. The poor cow in the middle does sort of a split. None of this does the cattle any harm though.

Womens barrel racing was Martha's favorite event. All and all the whole show made for a fun day. There was great food at the concessions too. The concessions included "bar tents" where Jack Daniels was the featured drink. Not our thing, but it's available if you like.
Having lived in Texas for 20 years, this post gave me the fever to go visit! I think it was the music~
Thanks for the comment Kathy. Being from the Northeast, this was our first Rodeo, though we will definitely do it again. We hear they are even crazier and better in Texas, so maybe next time.