This morning we visited Fort Bowie at Apache Pass for the celebration of the 150 year anniversary of the Bascom Affair. Briefly, the Bascom Affair (Feb. 4, 1861), involved an incident between Apache leader Cochise, and Lieutenant Bascom of the 7th U.S. Infantry which lead to a war that lasted until 1872. The whole fascinating story is a long tale, which can be found here:
Bascom Affair
Interpretors, dressed in period uniforms, told the whole story of the Bascom Affair on the very ground where each part of the incident happened.

The whole Bascom story unfolded as we were led to each part of Apache Pass. Some of these volunteer historians traveled from as far away as Los Angeles to be part of this event. This turned out to be one of the best things we've done in Arizona. Cost: Free!

Soldiers were preparing their lunch in the camp kitchen when we reached the Fort remains.

When I asked what this device was, two soldiers were quick to put aside their lunch plate and demonstrate a Heliograph for me. It's a communication device using mirrors and a shutter to transmit wireless Morse code messages up to 70 miles away.

The remains of Fort Bowie in the distance, at the top of Apache Pass.

Some of the best hiking trails we've experienced are right here at Apache Pass. We enjoyed about 3 1/2 miles of both level and steep trails. 'hope we still enjoy them tomorrow morning.

Martha was so happy to meet the famous "Equine Ranger, Boomer", veteran rescue horse. With many of the trails here in the Chiricahuas' far too narrow and steep for ATV or helicopter rescue, Boomer, an 18-year-old Tennessee Walker, can handle the job with ease.

Where bulls go to find promiscuous cows?

Guess I was wrong. Try to stay out of the road ladies.
We did get your email about this & really regret missing this event. It was right up our alley & we would have loved this. We were just too wrapped up in the current happenings here at the ranch & didn't have enough time to work things out. Had we known about it sooner we would have planned for it & been there. Great that you guys made it. We have decided to stay where we are awhile longer so might get to meet you guys yet. We are working on a major decision at the moment & our noses are to the grindstone. When the smoke clears a bit we'll see where we're at.......