The property right next door to where we're staying is a small farm....errr... ranch as they're called out here. Actually any direction we walk there is one small ranch after another. We pass by these critters whether we're walking the dog or heading out the driveway. They seem to know us now and come running out of their shelter when we approach them. For the first time this morning, Rainy the donkey, bellowed out a loud hee-haw hee-haw as we payed them a visit. I doubt it's love; more likely the carrots and apples we carry in our pockets.

The little goat looks just like one of the pygmy goats we had. The taller goat is named Tulip. There are also chickens on some of the ranches so farm fresh eggs are easy to come by.

Goin' native! Siesta time. Actually my sister, Connie, gave us this today. It's a genuine Mexican Poncho that was too large a size for her small frame.

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