Today we welcome our newest blog follower, Kelly Florence. It's great to have you with us and we appreciate your support.
Although we've been very busy helping my sister with pre-nursing home care arrangements, we were able to fit in a trip to the Biosphere 2, just north of Tucson. It was another beautiful sunny day with temps. in the upper sixties by mid afternoon. The Biosphere is an amazing, one-of-a-kind structure like no other in the world. You can read more about here:
This rain forest was yet another controlled environment with relative humidity in the 90s and temps. in the 70s; quite a contrast with the dry, desert conditions just beyond the glass enclosure.

The University of Arizona is utilizing this hillside to test a large variety of different solar panel types. Plans are to eventually power this entire facility with solar power and take it off the grid.
I just happened upon your blog and was very surprised to read about the Biosphere 2 project. I have been interested in this for many years. Great post!