Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Montana Huckleberries

It seems everywhere we go someone has Huckleberries for sale in this part of Montana. There's huckleberry pie, jam, syrup, ice cream and just plain Huckleberries for sale everywhere; I even had a Huckleberry Margarita while Martha enjoyed a Bloody Mary on the waterfront of the McDonald Lodge. Wanting to go native, we decided to learn more about this popular indigenous fruit and find our own. After talking with our campground owners we learned that Huckleberries grow on low lying bushes almost anywhere; they command high prices because they are picked just one at a time, unlike similar berries which can be picked in clusters. With this knowledge we went searching for this elusive fruit; and, sure enough they were there for the picking, albeit one at a time.

1 comment:

  1. LOVING the wild fruit. We found some wild rasberries in the mountains last week and felt like we had hit the jackpot!
